What can you learn from old Hollywood masters?

At a time when the old masters are slipping out of polls and canonical lists, what can younger film-makers learn from watching the work of John Ford?

“They can learn how to tell a story for a start,” says Bogdanovich.

Full article on the Irish Times website

Advice for young director…

Advice for young directors?

“I would say use everything you’ve ever learned in life and everything you’ve ever seen and incorporate it all. And don’t let people talk you out of a strong idea on something. Be aware that there are pitfalls and that people want to make you aware of the pitfalls, but don’t give up on the idea if it’s a good one. You have to believe in yourself, believe that you can do it and just go out and do it. You don’t want to ponder something to the point where you get indecisive, and people can do that because there’s always a million reasons why something won’t work, but you have to say well there’s also a million reasons why it might work, so let’s go do it.”

Clint Eastwood on Directing as quoted in the book “FilmCraft-Directing”